
Developments & Vineyards

Developments & Vineyards


Del Vino Vineyards

Northport, NY

Hawkins Webb, working hand-in-hand with the design team, evaluated the reuse of a former farm house as the basis of a new tasting room and production facility for Long Island’s newest working vineyard.

HW performed pre-construction services, budget, bid, and buyout, plus daily onsite project management for this very sensitive, highly finished, $3.5M destination venue.


Vineyards at Brookfield

55+ SenioR HousinG DevelopmenT, Center Moriches, NY

Hawkins Webb was contracted by the finance group to conduct monthly inspections of work in progress and payment applications for funding – as well as monitoring any scope changes and contingency allocations.

This project encompasses over 25 acres of developed land with 25+ independent buildings, an onsite sewage treatment plan, and 125+ residences slated to be complete by 2022.